Delivery time

They vary according to the type and availability of products:

  • For products with status "Available", the shipment will take place within 24/48 working hours from the date of the order confirmation;
  • For products "Orderable after checking availability ", the shipment will take place within 24/48 hours from the date of receipt of the "product available" e-mail

If the order contains more products, even in the presence of the "Immediate availability service", the order will be processed only when all the items are ready for delivery. 

The times indicated for the delivery terms are indicative and are absolutely not binding for Marika De Cesare. Should there be any timing or delays other than those indicated, we will immediately contact you.

S.shipping costs 

They vary according to the weight and volume of the items in the cart and are calculated automatically during the purchase process depending on the place of destination.

If available, it is advisable to select shipping with insurance in order to receive any refund or replacement of the product in case it arrives damaged or lost during transport. Marika De Cesare assumes no responsibility for the transport of the goods and any damage due to the latter.

In any case, the manufacturer's warranty is valid for 24 months on faults and defects not attributable to transport.

Clause for insured shipments

Always accept the shipment with the reserve control clause, even in the absence of evident damage. if necessary specify the type of damage detected and keep the signed receipt. in the absence of the signature with the relative control reserve clause we will not be able to proceed with partial or total compensation until the replacement of the product itself. Any damage and defects of the product must be reported no later than 8 calendar days from receipt of the goods.

Disadvantaged areas

It may be necessary to adjust the shipping times and prices by the service in case of particular volumes of products shipped or destinations not easily reachable, which involve variations on the standard shipping prices calculated on the basis of weight and volume, as per the price list of the our express delivery service providers.

Return of goods

In any case, the shipping costs are in any case considered due and charged to the customer, even in the event that the same makes use of the right of withdrawal, or refuses and returns to the sender, for any reason, the goods regularly ordered. The shipping costs for the return of the goods to our warehouse are in any case fully charged to the customer. In this case, the customer must provide for the reimbursement of the aforementioned shipping costs, and possibly, in the event of non-payment of the same, Marika De Cesare will take legal action for the recovery of the aforementioned credit.


Orders are binding, they can only be canceled if the goods have not yet been shipped, preferably by contacting customer service or with written communication to be sent by e-mail.

Products ordered expressly for the customer can be canceled only if not yet shipped by the manufacturer.

For orders already processed, the customer must exercise the right of withdrawal.

It is possible to check the status of the shipment online by accessing the site with your e-mail and password.

For everything not expressed here, see the pages "Terms of Sale" is "Payments"

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