The site  collects some Personal Data of its Users.
Marika De Cesare is a web service of Gold Gram srl with registered office in Via Diaz, 51 80026 Casoria (NA) PI 06562431210 (hereinafter the "Owner").

This Privacy Policy has been drawn up pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) in order to allow you to know our privacy policy, to understand how your personal information is handled when you use our site  (hereinafter "Site") And, where appropriate, to give express and informed consent to the processing of your personal data. The information and data provided by you or otherwise acquired in the context of the use of the services offered by the Site, such as: registration in the reserved area of the Site or the purchase of products, hereinafter "Services", Will be processed in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation and the confidentiality obligations that inspire the activity of the Data Controller.

According to the rules of the Regulation, the treatments carried out by Marika De Cesare will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, purpose limitation and conservation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

1. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller carried out through the Site is Gold Gram srl as defined above. For any information concerning the processing of personal data, you can write to the following address:  

 2. The personal data being processed

After browsing the Site, we inform you that the Data Controller will process personal data, which may consist of an identifier such as the name, an identification number, an online identifier (hereinafter only "Data Personal"). The object of processing can be, for example, the name, address, user name, e-mail address and telephone number, or even the IP address of the device used, browsing preferences, that is to say information on how you use the site , including its similarity in consumer behavior with other users, as well as its online shopping preferences.

 Your Personal Data may be collected because you voluntarily provide it (for example when you subscribe to the newsletter or register on the Site) or simply by analyzing your behavior on the Site. The Personal Data processed through the Site are as follows:

 to. Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the Site, addresses in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning, to identify anomalies and / or abuses. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site or third parties.

 b. Data provided voluntarily by the interested party

Except for the reference to specific information contained therein, this Privacy Policy is also intended for the processing of data voluntarily entered by you in the various form contained within the Site, including, for example, the one dedicated to Customer Service. With reference to these hypotheses, we invite you not to include information that may fall within the category of particular categories of personal data referred to in art. 9 of the Regulations (" [...] personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, health data or the person's sexual life or sexual orientation").

 c. Third party data provided voluntarily by you

In the use of some Services of the Site, the processing of Personal Data of third parties provided by you may occur, as you are allowed to enter a text message. With respect to these hypotheses, you are the independent data controller, assuming all the obligations and responsibilities of the law. In this sense, it confers the widest indemnity on this point with respect to any dispute, claim, request for compensation for damage from treatment, etc. that should reach the Data Controller from third parties whose Personal Data have been processed through its use of the Site functions in violation of the applicable rules on the protection of Personal Data. In any case, should it provide or otherwise process Personal Data of third parties in the use of the Site, it guarantees from now - assuming all related responsibility - that this particular hypothesis of treatment is based on an appropriate legal basis pursuant to art . 6 of the Regulation which legitimizes the processing of the information in question.

d. Data relating to online payments

Regarding the payment data entered by users, the Data Controller will only process the data received from digital payment companies and credit card payment institutions which consist of a return information on the status linked to the payment (successful / refused ). All additional information relating to the account (eg PayPal), prepaid card or credit card are stored by the entities that manage the related service, which are not authorized to use the Personal Data received through the Site for other purposes. If you request to pay for the products purchased through the Site through financing, you can directly upload the documentation necessary to request the financing (i.e., identity document, tax code, income document and, if you are a non-EU citizen, the permit / residence card).

is. Data relating to your location

The Data Controller may, with your consent, locate your position in order to allow you to identify the closest collection points to you through a map. With your prior and explicit consent, your Internet browsing program (so-called "Browser") may share your geographical position with the Site.

Even if you have given your consent, you can disable the option even temporarily, through the browser settings (or from the settings of your operating system and device used). For more information, please consult the specific privacy policies of your browser.

f. Data processed in interaction with social networks

In addition to filling in i form present on the Site, you can request some services and provide your Personal Data also through your Facebook, Google and PayPal profile, for example for the purpose of registering on the Site. In these cases Facebook, Google and PayPal will automatically send your Data to the Owner Personal and there will be no need to fill in others form for his part.

g. Data of Minors

Access to certain features of the Site and / or certain services and / or the ability to participate in contests, win prizes, coupons or other rewards may be limited to users under the age of 16. If you are between 16 and 18 years of age, any processing of your personal data based on your consent will take place or be related to the direct offer of information society services.

 The Data Controller may, therefore, use the Personal Data of underage users to carry out checks on their age and to enforce any age restrictions defined by itself or provided for by law.

h. Cookies

For details on cookies, please refer to the Cookie Policy available by clicking here.

3. Purpose of the treatment

The Data Controller will use your Personal Data, collected through the Site, for the following purposes:

to. allow navigation of the Site and the provision of the Services requested by you from time to time from the Data Controller, such as, by way of example: registration and access to the reserved area of the Site; enrollment in Programs / Initiatives and the management of related activities; the management and execution of purchase orders, the delivery of products; as well as, in general, activities related to the execution of a contractual relationship with Marika De Cesare; respond and satisfy requests for assistance or information, including pre and post sales customer support services ("Provision of the service");

 b. assess the existence of the requisites required by sector legislation in order to allow you to benefit from concessions and bonuses;

 c. fulfill any obligations under applicable laws, regulations or community legislation, or satisfy requests from authorities ("Compliance");

d. send you commercial communications via e-mail regarding products and services similar to those purchased by you, except for your express refusal to receive such communications, which you can express during the purchase or on subsequent occasions. You can object to Soft Spam both when requesting products and services and during subsequent communications from the Data Controller by writing to, as well as using the link found at the bottom of each e-mail. ("Soft Spam");

 is. subject to your consent (see paragraph 4 below) to carry out marketing activities, such as processing statistics and market research, sending you our newsletter or other information and promotional material relating to the activities, products and services of Marika De Cesare and its partners, send you communications and surveys to improve the service ("customer satisfaction"). Such communications may be made via automatic messages, via e-mail, via sms / MMS, via fax, via paper mail and / or the use of the telephone with operator; it is specified that the Data Controller collects a single consent for the marketing purposes described here, pursuant to the General Provision of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data " Guidelines on promotional activities and the fight against spam ", Of 4 July 2013. If, in any case, you wish to oppose the processing of your data for the marketing purposes carried out with the means indicated here, you can do so at any time by changing your choices (also with respect to the individual contact channels ) from the "Manage your Privacy" section of the reserved area of the Site. Any revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation ("Marketing");

f. subject to your consent, analyze your interests, habits and consumption choices and your preferences with regard to the products and services offered by Marika De Cesare, with the aid of electronic tools capable of aggregating and comparing your personal data in order to personalize communications addressed to you on the products and services offered by the Data Controller. The analysis will take into consideration both your purchasing behavior (date, subject and amount of the transactions you made on the site, both your behavior relating to the consultation of commercial communications sent by e-mail from Marika De Cesare, and your browsing behaviors, i.e. information on how you use the site as a registered user, including his / her similarity in consumer behavior with other users ("Integrated profiling");

More precisely, Marika De Cesare will create "clusters" with user data (homogeneous groups consisting of profiles that present a certain level of correlation) depending on the user's preferences, online behavior and purchases in order to develop digital campaigns targeted, customized and in line with users' tastes. Marika De Cesare uses technologies that allow it, through the query of an ID (in alphanumeric form), to track the navigations of registered users who access the Site from different devices (e.g. computers, tablets, smartphones) or from different browsers. (eg. Chrome, Firefox, etc.) with the aim of presenting users with products similar to those they viewed or purchased, (regardless of the type of device or browser used). 

Users' personal data may be used by Marika De Cesare to suggest products or services that may interest them, offer them the opportunity to participate in competitions or promotions.

If, in any case, you wish to oppose the processing of your data for the purposes of Integrated Profiling, you can do so at any time. Through the "Manage your Privacy" section of the Site it is possible to change the privacy preferences linked to the Site account. Any revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation. 

 g. The data may also be used by Marika De Cesare to analyze the use made of the Site by the user, to examine the effectiveness of advertising, promotions and competitions, to analyze (in aggregate form) the statistics relating to browsing and activities on the Site, simplify its use and better adapt it to the interests and choices of the user. In particular, Marika De Cesare will make available to the manager of the reference platform of the online advertising network to which it has joined some data of the users of the Site, in a form that does not allow direct identification, relating for example to the type of products for which they have expressed an interest, in order to facilitate the subdivision of the same, by the manager of this platform, into "clusters" (homogeneous groups made up of profiles that present a certain level of correlation) to be compared with other similar "clusters" of users of other websites, which are part of this system of online advertising networks. By creating clusters, users are divided into segments according to their areas of interest. These segments are then compared to understand which products viewed by Marika De Cesare users may be of interest to users of other websites included in the aforementioned system. With the ultimate goal of making these users appear while browsing other websites, advertisements containing products identical or similar to those viewed by Marika De Cesare users similar to them ("Online profiling").

 h. subject to your geolocation authorization, locate your position in order to allow you to identify the closest points of sale through a map ("Geolocation");

 the. subject to your consent (see paragraph 4 below) communicate your data (for example, name, surname, email) to third-party companies operating in the sector: automotive, sport, tourism, transport, textiles, telecommunications, electronics, insurance, food, banking, finance, gardening, DIY and entertainment, for independent direct marketing purposes. If, in any case, you wish to oppose the processing of your data for purposes of communication to third parties, you may do so at any time by changing your choices from the "Manage your Privacy" section of the reserved area of the Site. Any revocation will not affects the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation ("Communication to third parties");

 L. for the purpose of preventing fraud committed through the use of the Site and the services offered by the Owner and to allow the Owner to protect himself in court ("Abuse / Fraud");

 m. for statistical purposes, without it being possible to trace your identity (" Statistics").

4. Legal basis and mandatory or optional nature of the processing

 The legal bases used by the Data Controller to process his Personal Data, according to the purposes indicated in the previous Section 3, are the following:

 Provision of the Service : the processing of your Personal Data for this purpose (Section 3.a.) is necessary to be able to provide you with the Services and to be able to meet your requests, therefore, for the execution of the existing contract with you. The legal basis of this treatment is art. 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation ("[...] the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same"). The provision of Personal Data for this purpose is optional, but failing that, it will not be possible to provide the Services provided through the Site or to respond to your requests if you have not filled in the fields marked with an asterisk (*).

 - Compliance: the processing of your Personal Data for this purpose (Section 3.c.) is necessary for the Data Controller to fulfill any legal obligations or satisfy requests from the authorities. This treatment is based on art. 6 (1) (c) of the Regulation (“[…] The processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject"). The processing of your Personal Data for this purpose is, in fact, necessary to fulfill legal obligations to which the Data Controller is subject. This treatment could involve the conservation and communication of your Personal Data to Authorities for accounting, tax or other obligations.

 - Soft Spam: the processing of your Personal Data for this purpose (Section 3.d.) represents a legitimate treatment pursuant to the current legislation applicable to the protection of Personal Data, which does not require your consent. You can object to the processing of your Personal Data for this purpose both when requesting the products and services available on the Site and during subsequent communications from the Data Controller by writing to the addresses indicated in the "Contacts" section of this information, as well as using the link at the bottom of each of the communications sent via email.

 - Marketing: the treatments carried out for the purpose of Marketing are based on the release of your specific consent pursuant to art. 6 (1) (a) ("[...] the interested party has given his consent to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes") ..

The provision of your Personal Data for this purpose is therefore entirely optional and does not affect the use of the Services. If, in any case, you wish to withdraw your consent, you can do so at any time. Through the "Manage your Privacy" section of the Site it is possible to change the privacy preferences linked to the Site account. Any revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation;

 - Integrated profiling: the treatments performed for the purpose of Integrated Profiling are based on the release of your specific consent pursuant to art. 6 (1) (a) ("[...] the interested party has given his consent to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes") ..

The provision of your Personal Data for this purpose is therefore entirely optional and does not affect the use of the Services. If, in any case, you wish to withdraw your consent, you can do so at any time. Through the "Manage your Privacy" section of the Site it is possible to change the privacy preferences linked to the Site account. Any revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation;

 - Online profiling: the treatments carried out for the purpose of online profiling are based - as regards Marika De Cesare - on the consent to advertising cookies that may be expressed by the user through the appropriate banner that he finds when landing on the Site. As regards the provision of user data available in aggregate to the manager of the reference platform for the online advertising network, the treatments are based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller and third parties (subjects adhering to the online advertising network) pursuant to art. 6 (1) (f) of the Regulation \ ("[...] the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller or third parties"). If you wish to object to the processing of your data for online profiling purposes, you can do so at any time by contacting the Data Controller at the addresses indicated in the "Contacts" section of this statement.

 - Geolocation: the processing of your Personal Data for this purpose is based on the release of your consent pursuant to art. 6 (1) (a) ("[...] the interested party has given his consent to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes"). To this end, since the geolocation option is linked to the settings of the Browser or the operating system of the device you are using, you can provide your consent and enable geolocation in the appropriate box that will appear while browsing the Site. Your Personal Data for this purpose is therefore entirely optional and does not affect the use of the Services, but only the possibility of allowing you to identify the closest points of sale through a map. If you wish to object to the processing of your Personal Data for the purposes of Geolocation, you can do so at any time by deactivating the option, even temporarily, through the settings of your device or browser whenever you deem it appropriate.

 - Communication to third parties: the processing of your Personal Data for this purpose is based on the release of your consent pursuant to art. 6 (1) (a) ("[...] the interested party has given his consent to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes"). The provision of your Personal Data for this purpose is therefore entirely optional and does not affect the use of the Services. If, in any case, you wish to oppose the processing of your data for the purposes of communication to third parties and withdraw your consent, you can do so at any time by changing your choices from the "Manage Privacy" section of the reserved area of the Site or by contacting the Data Controller at the addresses indicated in the "Contacts" section of this information, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.

 - Abuses / Fraud : the processing for this purpose is based on art. 6 (1) (f) of the Regulation ("[...] the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller or third parties"); the Personal Data collected for this purpose will be used to prevent and / or identify any fraudulent activity or abuse in the use of the Site and Services and allow the Owner to protect himself in court.

 - Statistics : it is specified that this treatment is not performed on Personal Data and therefore can be freely carried out by Marika De Cesare.

5. Recipients of Personal Data

 Your Personal Data may be shared, for the purposes referred to in Section 3 above, with (the "Recipients"):

 to. subjects who typically act as data processors, namely: i) people, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and advice to the Data Controller in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial and credit recovery matters relating to the provision of the Services; ii) subjects with whom it is necessary to interact for the provision of the Services (for example hosting providers); iii) or subjects delegated to carry out technical maintenance activities (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communication networks); iv) subjects delegated to organize and carry out the shipment, delivery and return of products purchased on the Site; v) companies that provide assistance and advice to the Data Controller for the pursuit of the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and in Cookie Policy

 b. subjects, bodies or authorities to whom it is mandatory to communicate your personal data by virtue of legal provisions or orders of the authorities or to prevent and / or identify any fraudulent activities or abuses in the use of the Site and the services offered by the Data Controller;

 c. persons authorized by the Data Controller to process Personal Data necessary to carry out activities strictly related to the provision of the Services, who are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. employees, employees, etc.);

 d. supplier companies limited to the pursuit of administrative-contractual purposes connected to the performance of organizational, administrative, financial and accounting activities;

 is. with your consent, companies operating in the following sectors: automotive, sports, tourism, transport, textiles, telecommunications, electronics, insurance, food, banking, finance, gardening, DIY and entertainment, for independent direct marketing purposes;

 f. manager of the reference platform for the online advertising network, for the part of further processing of the navigation data of the users of the Marika De Cesare Site, aimed at allowing other advertisers belonging to the same online advertising network and who use the same platform to do appear to users the most appropriate online advertisements by reason of the navigations made by them.

6. Transfers of Personal Data

Some of your Personal Data are shared with Recipients who could be found outside the European Economic Area. The Data Controller ensures that the processing of your Personal Data by these Recipients takes place in compliance with the Regulations. Indeed, transfers can be based on an adequacy decision, on the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission or on another suitable legal basis. More information is available from the Data Controller by writing to the addresses indicated in the "Contacts" section of this statement.

7. Retention of Personal Data and hosting infrastructure

 Personal Data processed for the purposes of Provision of the Service (Section 3.a.) and Aconcessions and bonuses  (Section 3.b.) will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve those same purposes and, in the second case, up to the time required by the specific obligation or applicable law. In any case, since these are treatments carried out for the provision of Services, the Data Controller will process the Personal Data up to the time allowed by Italian law to protect its interests (Article 2946 et seq. Of the Civil Code) from possible complaints relating to the Services.

Personal Data processed for the purposes of Compliance (Section 3.c.) will be kept until the time required by the specific obligation or applicable law.

 For the purposes of Soft Spam (Section 3.d.), your Personal Data will be kept until you object to the processing, by writing to the contact details in the "Contacts" section of this information or through the link at the bottom of each of the e- mail sent.

 For the purposes of Marketing (Section 3.e.) your Personal Data will be processed, as a general rule and without prejudice to the principle of data retention proportionate to the purpose of the processing, until your consent is revoked. If you withdraw from Marika De Cesare's Services without having revoked these consents, the data could be processed even after your withdrawal.

 Information relating to the details of purchases and further activities will be processed for the purpose of Integrated profiling (section 3.f.) for no more than 24 months from the date of collection.

 For the purpose of Online profiling your Personal Data will be stored, in a form that in any case would never allow Marika De Cesare to be directly identified, for 30 days.

 For the purposes of Geolocation (Section 3.g.) e Communication to third parties (Section 3.h.) your Personal Data will instead be processed, as a general rule, until your consent is revoked.

 For the purpose of Abuse / Fraud (Section 3.i.) your Personal Data are processed for the period necessary for the aforementioned purpose and therefore until the moment in which the Data Controller will be required to keep them to protect themselves in court to communicate said data to the competent Authorities.

 'without prejudice in any case to the possibility for the Data Controller to keep his Personal Data for the period of time envisaged and permitted by Italian law to protect his interests (Art. 2947 (1) (3) of the Italian Civil Code).

 Further information regarding the data retention period and the criteria used to determine this period can be requested by writing to the Data Controller at the addresses indicated in the "Contacts" section of this statement.

The hosting service has the function of hosting data and files that allow this website to function, allow its distribution and provide a ready-to-use infrastructure to provide specific features of this website. Some of these services work through servers geographically located in different places, making it difficult to determine the exact place where Personal Data is stored.
Contabo GmbH is a hosting and backend service provided by Contabo GmbH (Aschauer Straße 32 ° 81549 Munich, Germany)
Personal Data processed: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.
Place of processing: Germany - Privacy Policy. Subject adhering to the Privacy Shield.
Category of personal data collected under the CCPA: Internet information.

8. Rights of interested parties

Pursuant to articles 15 and following of the Regulation, you have the right to ask the Data Controller, at any time, to access your Personal Data, to correct or delete them or to oppose their processing, you have the right to request the limitation of the treatment in the cases provided for by art. 18 of the Regulation, as well as to obtain the data concerning you in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, in the cases provided for by art. 20 of the Regulation.

 Requests must be sent in writing to the addresses indicated in the "Contacts" section of this statement. We also remind you that you can manage your privacy consents also through the "Manage your Privacy" section of the reserved area of the Site and through the appropriate link at the bottom of the communications you receive via email. Any revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.

 The consent to Profiling through cookies can be revoked through the methods indicated in the Cookie Policy.

In any case, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data), pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulation, if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is contrary to the legislation in force.

 9. Changes

 This Privacy Policy is effective from 04 May 2020. The Data Controller reserves the right to modify or simply update its content, in part or completely, also due to changes in the applicable legislation. Marika De Cesare will inform you of these changes as soon as they are introduced and they will be binding as soon as they are published on the Site. Marika De Cesare therefore invites you to regularly visit this section to get acquainted with the most recent and updated version of the Privacy Policy. to be always updated on the data collected and on the use made by the Data Controller. The content of the Privacy Policy refers to the treatments activated after the date of publication of this document. If the user wishes to have the previous edition, he must apply for it by writing to the following email address:

10. Contacts

 To exercise the above rights or for any other request, you can write to the Data Controller: Gold Gram srl. with registered office in Via Diaz, 51 80026 Casoria (NA) PI 06562431210 or via email to:

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